HMI Music NEWS and Discussions



Postby kompamagazine » Wed Apr 18, 2018 1:25 pm

With the release of VAYB's debut CD set to drop this week, KOMPA MAGAZINE spoke to leader/vocalist MICKAEL GUIRAND about the CD. Check out our MICKAEL GUIRAND VAYB "Game Over" interview below.


1) Why did you name the cd GAME OVER?
MICKAEL GUIRAND: Game over... we needed a catchy gimmick.. something that simplifies what we are about... Ready to take over the industry; and a concept to visually come out... Depi nou fè sa nou foure bouch nou... jwet la gaté...

2) Is there no other meaning behind the title?
MICKAEL GUIRAND: Bon people will say whatever, but for us it's about taking over the industry...

3) How many songs are on the CD?
MICKAEL GUIRAND: Counting "Lanmou Fasil" and "Ralenti"; 13 songs and an intro.

4) Who are the guest artists on the CD?
MICKAEL GUIRAND: Roody Roodboy... Wanito.. Oswald..Shabba..

5) How much Carimi in terms of sound did you give on the CD; or did you try to get away from it as much as possible?
MICKAEL GUIRAND: It's hard to get away from what i have been doing for the past 15 years... I did not work with an idea of sounding like Carimi or not, I think the CD is welll balanced... there are some songs that are gonna surprise everyone because it's not the Mickael of old; and some other songs will give u that Carimi Vibe...

6) Our sources tell us that your next music video has already been filmed. Which song is the chosen one, and why did you choose to go with that particular song over the others
MICKAEL GUIRAND:Audio and visual go hand and hand nowadays. I would be lying if i would tell you that one of these two has been neglected; So yes people can expect a music video to drop. Stay Tuned... Countdown in full mode... April 20th

(INTERVIEW continues under the picture)


7) In terms of ratio of up-tempo and slow tempo love songs. How did you work that out on the CD and why
MICKAEL GUIRAND: Uptempo songs are a must.. mid tempo songs are what's working now... and slow tempo are very important. When doing an album you always try to make sure that all three are there. I think we did a good job of keeping the album flow interesting..

8) With your choice of the guest artists on the CD, why did you choose to go with the ones that you mentioned in particular, compared to others?
MICKAEL GUIRAND: For me the vibe is important and that's what creates the magic in music.

9) Full CDS don’t last as long as they used to on the market like before. How have you prepared yourselves to deal with that IF and WHEN it gets around to the VAYB CD?
MICKAEL GUIRAND: We worked so hard on this cd that we have a lot of stuff that we haven't used... so as soon as we put this out, work starts on the next one. The plan nowadays is to always keep on producing... and that's what i'm planning on doing.

10) Have you gotten used to a different way of recording after 15+ years of recording a certain way with your former group? How was that adjustment, and how long did it get you to be comfortable doing that?
MICKAEL GUIRAND: Everything in life is a step to help you grow for the next challenge. With Vayb I had to be involved in everything, and to be honest I enjoyed it. My chemistry with shedly, Max and the whole vayb crew is amazing in the studio... its definately a great feeling when In this album I was able to challenge myself.. I'm already excited about the next one because i want to be able to fully produce. Shedly says i'm there, lol but we will see...

11) How different is your anticipation before the release of this particular CD compared to before the release of the first CD by Carimi? What’s the difference?
MICKAEL GUIRAND: With Carimi we didn't expect anything... I was working and doing music on the side... We had no clue it was gonna work like that and nobody expected us to do what we did... 15 years later this is my full time gig and expectations from the fans are very high... There is definately more stress today... but all we can do is do our best in the studio and let the people decide.

(INTERVIEW continues under the picture)


12) What is your favorite song on the CD; or if you prefer....the song that means the most to you on a personal level ? Why?
MICKAEL GUIRAND: All the songs on the CD have a special meaning... On a personal level, LANMOU FASIL will always have the most meaning but I can name you OU PA NAN PLAS MWEN and FO' M ALE as second and third... Just because of what is being said in those songs.

13) Mike...a few heavyweights are about to drop their CDs as well; are you worried/concerned at all that it might interfere with your material? Logic might say that it might have been best to drop when no other top bands are dropping. If it was Carimi, that would be a different story, but since it’s a new band’s a different story NO? Or should we say YOUR NAME Mickael Guirand is your identity already HMI wise?
MICKAEL GUIRAND: Timing is always important when dropping a cd. The best case is a scenario like Djakout that gave them a month last October without anything new dropping... but it is what it is.. I'm aware of everybody dropping just like they are aware of me. I think everyone is excited that we are finally done and wanna hear what we have been working on for so long... it could definately work in our advantage. I think only after the World Cup we are gonna know who did good with their releases.

14) Fair or not; right or wrong; because the 2 of you are former band mates, and also because you are currently NOT on the same page, you know they will immediately try to compare the VAYB CD to the KAÏ CD. Does that bother you....and also is there a little pressure for you to raise your game because KAÏ has already scored in terms of their CD?
MICKAEL GUIRAND: These are things that are beyond my control. I can only do what i can do and control what i can control. Fair or not fair that's the reality we live in. There will always be pressure when putting a cd out, but being in this business for so long, pa gen manti nan travay la... Se travay, travay travay...

15) Do you feel as if you are a ROOKIE getting ready to come out with a debut CD; or do you admit that you have an advantage over most upcoming bands dropping their first albums in the market?
MICKAEL GUIRAND: With a name like mine and the recognition that i have nationally and internationally, I'm not a rookie; and with a team like shedly, jean max, noldy, jude, ben... everybody has been in that process. This is a first for VAYB and we are gonna treat it as a first cd. I don't think we are a new band dropping in the market.

16) How many songs did you record that did NOT make the CD; and do you believe that they have a chance to get onto the next VAYB project?
MICKAEL GUIRAND:Factory a chaje Pat... Chaje... I wanna finish dropping this cd so i can get back to producing... that has been one side of my game that i needed to develop and i have been embracing it. The market requires that we put stuff out more often and we have to keep producing... pa gen route pa bwa.

17) Before a cd comes out, you make a few people close to you listen to the songs. Do you find yourself on the SAME or DIFFERENT page in terms of what you think will be the biggest hit or hits....Sa to rele GÒL la; compared to what these people that heard the songs are telling you?
MICKAEL GUIRAND: When doing a cd you always have a Vibe about certain songs that you feel are gonna work... to be honest, this one is all over the place except for two songs. Chak moun chwazi afè pa yo... and to me it is very surprising. Moun kap fè prediction ki music ki pral mache... so mwen poze map tann.



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