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My Sista's, My Sista's....

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Joined: 12 Mar 2006
Posts: 3875
Location: Massachusetts

 PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:36 am    Post subject: My Sista's, My Sista's.... Reply with quote Back to top

As we all know, its hurtful to point out your own flaws. I can say, I don't do this at all. However, we are all guilty of pointing the finger, sometime or another. We all have problems of our own to deal with, so why stab someone in the back due to lack of self confidence or just plain hatin.

Have you ever heard of this....?

My business ain't your business, so worry bout your own!!!!!!!

Please read this in its entirety.



>Unfortunately, how true this is.
>Ok...so I walk in and you see me. You see that my
hair is done, my outfit is fierce and I carry myself like a lady. I smile at you but you roll your eyes at me, then, turn your head and whisper something to your girl. Why you hatin'?
>Ok... so maybe I'm a new employee and this is my
first day at work. I almost thought I would be the only sistah in the joint until someone introduced us to each other. I smile and extend my hand, happy to know I won't be here alone. You smile and shake my hand but there's insincerity in your eyes and your hand is limp. You seem guarded. What's wrong Ma'?
>Ok ...so maybe my man and I have been having
problems. And since you've been my best friend for years I confide in you that I think he's cheating on me. You offer your support. Until I find out that he's been cheating on me....with you!
>Why would you hurt me like that? I found your knife
girl.....it's in my back.
>As women we battle daily. We battle keeping our
families together, keeping our men happy and maintaining our presence in the work force. With all that battling going on why in the world should we have to battle each other?
>Now I'm not saying every sistah has a knife...but
some of you do....and you know who you are.

Why is it that a woman can't get her glamour on without you having a problem? Why can't I get a blonde weave without you having something to say?

If I'm working myself to death in the office trying to climb the corporate ladder...why am I suddenly a sellout?

If I leave the room for a minute why can't I trust you around my man? Smiling in my face, but gossiping all my personal business behind my back?

>......... you now have permission to consider
yourself triflin'!
>Inferiority Complex. It makes us feel that in order
to be someone special we have to put everyone else ben eath us. Are we so insecure in ourselves that we can't feel good until we pull someone else down?
>There's something wrong here. We've come to envy
those who've
>accomplished in their lives
>what we've only dreamed of having for ourselves. And
when we fear we
>will never be able to get what we want - we steal it.
>There is a serious self-worth issue going on here.
We're in a day and age where we should be encouraging each other and holding each other up.
>Sisterhood should not end when Oprah goes off. Truth
be told, there will always be someone prettier, sexier, stronger, and smarter. I'm sorry Boo -that's just the way it is. But that's ok.....just do you!

>I don't care how good Beyonce' looks - if she walks
into the same room I'm in, it doesn't make me any less of the diva I already am!

I love admiring hairstyles...but there's no need to be jealous.

>Honey, nowadays there's enough hair for err-body. I
have goals in life.
>There are things I strive to attain.
>Yet I seek out successful sisters because they keep

When you go to people for advise, you have to hear what they have to say from how they feel. When you go to GOD for advise you don't have to say anything, HE's heard your heart and felt your pain already.

Sometimes we ask God for an oak tree and he sends us an acorn. Are you
willing to plant it and let it grow? Tyler Perry
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." George Carlin
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